OH>15® Fût
The measured strength

This OH>15® technological barrel is the result of research carried out at the Demptos Centre; it’s based on a selection of wood that is isolated and chosen for its ability to balance alcohol-rich wines, such as those produced in the southern regions.

Wood and ripe fruit
The aim here is to help the grape varieties find their full expression and favour a better balance by using innovative barrels designed to reduce the effects of ripe fruit. To achieve this, the Demptos Centre research staff have succeeded in isolating wood containing ß-ß type labile forms that offer more resistant chemical linkages and are less likely to be turned into phenols during toasting. This wood is only available in very small quantities and is used for making the OH>15® barrels. Its which limit phenol content and retain the spicy notes in low-acidity grapes with a high potential alcohol content.

An analysis of the inter-monomeric linkages in lignin has highlighted the presence of ß-ß type linkages in 3 to 10% of cases. These linkages are less labile and offer a greater resistance to transformation into phenols.
Technology and innovation
The challenge was then to isolate this type of wood and design products to limit the spicy effects during toasting. Their selection is made possible by Demptos’ scientists, who have isolated the wood using thioacidolysis characterisation, combined with a GasChromatography / Mass Spectrometry analysis used to quantify substances present in very small quantities.
An original and highly innovative selection
For the production of OH>15® barrels, Demptos’ teams also make use of another piece of scientific evidence concerning the high tylose and therefore lignin content in spring growth that is found in smaller quantities in fast-growing trees.

How do you select the wood?
The Demptos Research Centre staff examine the batches of oak upstream to isolate and select the wood that contains more inter-monomeric linkages in β-β typelignin.
For what wines should I choose the OH>15® barrel?
This product has been designed to reduce the acescence in certain wines: it helps correct the burning sensation that may be felt.
Is this product suitable for white and sweet wines?
The OH>15® range is suitable for white wines, but these wines must be matured on the lees. As far as sweet wines are concerned, we don’t yet have the hindsight necessary to answer the question.